Research Excellence Clusters

Our Research Excellence Clusters are interdisciplinary networks of researchers focused on solving key challenges facing society.

These leading researchers are working closely together on problems that transcend traditional boundaries. Research Excellence Clusters may involve UBC researchers from both our Vancouver and Okanagan campuses, in addition to collaborators from other industry, community and institutional partners.

The Eminence Program funds each cluster for three years. This initial investment is designed to catalyze research and knowledge creation initiatives at UBC Okanagan to attract further external opportunities.

Clusters funded in 2023/24

Meet our newest Research Excellence Clusters—the seventh cohort funded by the Office of the Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation.

Data Safety and AI Literacy

Creating digital literacy tools for better data safety.


Researching immune cell interactions for better disease treatments.

Personalized Cancer Radiotherapy

Developing a blood test for individualized radiotherapy risks.

Renewed Clusters for 2023/24

Aging in Place

Optimizing active and healthy aging at home.


Identifying technology and service delivery solutions to reduce homelessness in vulnerable populations.