
Identifying technology and service delivery solutions to reduce homelessness in vulnerable populations.

This team of interdisciplinary researchers in engineering, medicine, neuroscience, management, nursing, social sciences and social work will conduct a community impact analysis on the stigma surrounding homelessness, examine the efficacy of homelessness services and interventions, and pursue technological innovations to improve access to support and services for individuals at high-risk of becoming homeless.

The cluster will work in close collaboration with community-based agencies and indigenous communities, including the city of Kelowna through its Journey Home strategy, to help make homelessness strategies more responsive and efficient in addressing the diverse needs of vulnerable populations, including those who have experienced a traumatic brain injury.




Yale Belanger (University of Lethbridge)

Jon Corbett

Eric Li


Gordon Lovegrove

Barb Marcolin

Kyleen Myrah (Okanagan College)