2018/19 Clusters

Our Clusters of Research Excellence are interdisciplinary networks of researchers focused on solving key challenges facing society. The Eminence Program funds each cluster for three years.

Agricultural Technologies & Bioproducts

Leading discoveries in the engineering and commercialization of bioactive plant products.


Developing novel agricultural and forestry-based biocomposites to minimize the impact of conventional plastics on the environment.

Culture, Creativity, Health, Wellbeing

Exploring synergies between cultural, creative and mindfulness practices that have the potential to foster and sustain health and wellbeing.

Enhancing Ecosystem Sustainability

Contributing to reconciliation through the co-production of ecological knowledge from both Western and Syilx perspectives.

Indigenous-Led Impact Assessment

Supporting Indigenous governments and communities to lead impact assessments.

Wine & Grapes

An interdisciplinary network of wine and grape researchers collaborating with industry to study wine quality, terroir and sustainable viticulture practices.