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Taking physics beyond space and time

Taking physics beyond space and time

UBCO researcher joins international team to mix Einstein’s famous theory with quantum gravity

The post Taking physics beyond space and time appeared first on UBC Okanagan News.

Climate change leads engineers to harness the power of green

Climate change leads engineers to harness the power of green

UBCO researchers use campus to test green infrastructure

The post Climate change leads engineers to harness the power of green appeared first on UBC Okanagan News.

UBC Okanagan adds Indigenous Knowledges graduate programs
UBC Okanagan’s Bachelor of Sustainability a degree of change

UBC Okanagan’s Bachelor of Sustainability a degree of change

Movement-motivated students can pursue interdisciplinary degree to combat climate change.

The post UBC Okanagan’s Bachelor of Sustainability a degree of change appeared first on UBC Okanagan News.