
Psychedelic mushroom microdoses can improve mood, mental health
UBCO researchers tune in to children’s screen time and sleep
Perfectionists more likely to suffer from body dissatisfaction

Perfectionists more likely to suffer from body dissatisfaction

New research from UBC Okanagan finds young women who are perfectionistic are more likely to experience body dissatisfaction — a general unhappiness with, and negative attitude towards, their bodies.

UBCO researcher examines the need for positive support when a child is sexually abused

UBCO researcher examines the need for positive support when a child is sexually abused

New research from UBC Okanagan has determined if a child knows they have safe support from a trusted adult, it significantly increases the chances of that child disclosing they have been sexually assaulted. This likelihood is especially true when the offender is a family member or trusted caregiver.

Parental consumption shapes how teens think about and use cannabis

Parental consumption shapes how teens think about and use cannabis

Turns out the old adage, “monkey see, monkey do,” does ring true — even when it comes to cannabis use. However, when cannabis use involves youth, it’s see, think, then do, says a team of UBC Okanagan researchers.

UBCO researcher examines therapeutic use of psychedelic drugs

UBCO researcher examines therapeutic use of psychedelic drugs

Michelle St. Pierre has been named UBC Okanagan’s student researcher of the year.

UBCO researcher examines the art of telling lies

UBCO researcher examines the art of telling lies

The telling of lies might be just a bad habit for some, but a UBC Okanagan researcher says that over time lies will infiltrate a person’s memory for the truth.

UBCO’s substance use clinic accepting new patients virtually

UBCO’s substance use clinic accepting new patients virtually

As we pass the one-year mark of living with the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s little doubt the virus has taken its toll on the mental health of many Canadians.

Showing virtual love on Valentine’s Day

Showing virtual love on Valentine’s Day

Unfortunately, love isn’t the only thing in the air this Valentine’s Day season.

New UBCO study examines pain tolerance among cannabis users

New UBCO study examines pain tolerance among cannabis users

A recent study examining pain among cannabis users suggests that—unlike long-term opioid use—regular cannabis use does not appear to increase pain sensitivity.