2020 Principal’s Research Chair Program: Call for Nominations
A call for nominations was announced today for UBC Okanagan’s Principal’s Research Chair program. Deans have until December 8, 2020 to submit their proposals.
Faculty on the Front Line: UBC Okanagan Researchers Responding to COVID-19
UBC researchers across a range of domains are addressing the many aspects of COVID-19 and its impacts. Learn how UBCO research expertise is being put to use to protect Canadians. Anti-fouling anti-fogging face shields utilizing liquid-like omniphobic coatings for COVID-19 healthcare providers (Kevin Golovin, Engineering) Back to Basics: A Sustainable Response to COVID-19 (Eric Li, […]
Pandemic Perseverance
Researchers are adapting to new ways of doing things, mitigating disruptions to their work, and leveraging opportunities to pivot and expand their research programs and support student trainees. While the past several months have been undeniably challenging, UBCO research shows no signs of slowing down despite global pandemic.