Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science

Catching fire: BC wildfires are bigger, hotter and more consequential than ever
Caribou herd rebounds as Indigenous stewards lead conservation efforts

Caribou herd rebounds as Indigenous stewards lead conservation efforts

UBCO researcher says collaborative recovery saves Klinse-Za caribou from brink of extinction

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UBCO researcher studies procedures to convert solar energy technologies
UBCO researchers go green looking for anti-cancer compounds

UBCO researchers go green looking for anti-cancer compounds

Chemist examines sustainable drug production using plant by-products

Balancing the cost of pandemic lockdowns

Balancing the cost of pandemic lockdowns

UBCO researcher creates modelling data to balance saving lives with the economy

Human activity is changing how much space wolves need to survive

Human activity is changing how much space wolves need to survive

UBCO researchers say findings may solve the issue of caribou declines

UBCO professor digs into Earth’s mysterious mantle

UBCO professor digs into Earth’s mysterious mantle

Decades later, team discovers ancient mineral crystals in volcanic materials

UBCO researchers test alternate COVID-19 screening method

UBCO researchers test alternate COVID-19 screening method

Chest X-rays prove promising for emergency cases and rapid treatment

UBCO launches Bachelor of Sustainability degree

UBCO launches Bachelor of Sustainability degree

New program first of its kind in Canada