Announcing the search process for the Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation, UBC Okanagan

UBC is embarking on a search for the next Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation, UBC Okanagan, to provide strategic direction and oversight for research at our Okanagan campus.

The Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation serves as a member of the UBC Okanagan campus executive leadership group and also as an executive member of the Office of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation as an Associate Vice-President, Research & Innovation for the UBC system.

Boyden Canada has been retained to assist with the search. As a first step, they have created a survey for members of the UBC community who wish to share their thoughts on the qualities and experience the next Vice-Principal should possess.

If you wish to inform the search process, please visit:

The survey will be open until October 27, 2023, and all responses will be confidential.

We are also in the process of forming a search committee, which will include elected representatives from both campuses. Further information and opportunities to inform the search will be shared as the process progresses.

We would like to take this opportunity to once again thank Dr. Phil Barker for his more than eight years of exemplary service in this role to date. Phil will continue to serve as Vice-Principal and Associate Vice-President, Research and Innovation until the end of March 2024.


Lesley Cormack
Principal and Deputy Vice-Chancellor
UBC Okanagan

Gail Murphy
Vice-President, Research and Innovation