Research Support

Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation Portfolio

Office of Research Services (ORS)

The Office of Research Services provides professional administrative support and research facilitation services to researchers, including identifying funding opportunities, reviewing grant proposals, and ensuring compliance with research policies and ethics requirements.

Behavioural Research Ethics Board (BREB)

The Behavioural Research Ethics Board (BREB) is responsible for reviewing research involving human subjects in procedures with potential invasions of privacy, including participation in questionnaires, interviews, observation, data linkage, secondary data use, deception, testing, video and audio taping.

University-Industry Liaison Office (UILO)

The University-Industry Liaison Office facilitates partnerships between researchers, industry, government and non-profit organizations, including relationship development, negotiating research contracts, and finding pathways for commercialization.

UBC STAR (Survive and Thrive Applied Research)

A research and development hub for UBC researchers who want to work collaboratively with other academic and industry partners to develop technologies, strategies and standards for application in defence, sport and health.


Indigenous-led research support is available through UCBO’s Research Development Team. The team works collaboratively with UBC’s Indigenous Research Support Initiative (IRSI), which develops resources and support for Indigenous-led, community-engaged research.

Other Research Support Units

Research Finance

The Research Finance team is responsible for post-award financial administration of research and specific purpose project grants in compliance with funding agency, university and accounting policies.


Research Computing offers researchers a wide range of support and services including technical consultation and quotes for research grant applications, network and data security, access to HPC systems and storage, network accounts, hardware and software quotes, and installation.

Centre for Scholarly Communication (CSC)

The Centre for Scholarly Communication (CSC) supports faculty, post-doctoral fellows, graduate students, and staff throughout the research life cycle. The CSC provides one-on-one consultations and workshops, in addition to the following services:

  • Research data management planning
  • cIRcle deposit of publications
  • Data deposit and citation management
  • Copyright
  • Tri-Agency Open Access Policy
  • Scholarly publishing
Marjorie Mitchell
Copyright, Scholarly Communications & Research Data Management Librarian
250.807.9147 | LIB 219
  • Writing academic publications
Amanda Brobbel
Manager, Writing and Language Learning Supports
250.807.9874 | LIB 240
  • Journal hosting
Robert Janke
Associate Chief Librarian, Research and Administration
250.807.9109 | LIB 241