Faculty on the Front Line: UBC Okanagan Researchers Responding to COVID-19


UBC researchers across a range of domains are addressing the many aspects of COVID-19 and its impacts. Learn how UBCO research expertise is being put to use to protect Canadians.

  1. Anti-fouling anti-fogging face shields utilizing liquid-like omniphobic coatings for COVID-19 healthcare providers (Kevin Golovin, Engineering)
  2. Back to Basics: A Sustainable Response to COVID-19 (Eric Li, Management)
  3. Building Resilient Rural Communities: Understanding the Mental Health Impacts of COVID-19 (Nelly Oelke, Nursing)
  4. Capturing the Anticipated/Unanticipated Consequences of COVID-19 and COVID-19 Prevention, Management Strategies (Donna Kurtz, Nursing)
  5. Care Dental: Impact of an Airborne Infection Isolation Standard HVAC System (Jonathan Little, Health and Exercise Sciences)
  6. Challenges and Technology Use among Rural Community Residents during COVID-19 Pandemic (Kathy Rush, Nursing)
  7. COACH for COVID: A student-delivered Community Outreach telehealth program for COVID education and Health care Brodie Sakakibara, Southern Medical Program)
  8. Confidential Virtual Addiction Treatment for Healthcare Workers (Lesley Lutes and Zachary Walsh, Psychology)
  9. COVID-19 Impact on Travel Demand and Transportation System (Mahmudur Fatmi, Engineering)
  10. COVID-19: Developing Korean Canadians’ Civic Engagement Strategies in the COVID-19 Era (Kyong Yoon, Cultural Studies)
  11. COVID-19: Identifying and Addressing the Needs of Ontarians with Disabilities (Kathleen Martin Ginis, Health and Exercise Sciences)
  12. Design, characterization and manufacture of sustainable filtration masks from medical-grade lignin and cellulose to combat COVID-19 (Abbas Milani and Frank Ko, Engineering)
  13. Development of a fluorescent-based serological testing for COVID-19 (Ian Foulds, Engineering)
  14. Development of Airborne COVID-19 Isolation and Elimination Device (Sunny Li, Engineering)
  15. Development of low-cost, compact fibre optic O2 and CO2 gas sensors for COVID-19 applications of portable metabolic analyzers (Kenneth Chau, Engineering)
  16. Early Detection of COVID-19 through Artificial Intelligence (Philip Ainslie, Health and Exercise Sciences)
  17. ELECTRA platform: Electrochemical-based Aptasensor for early detection of COVID-19 (Mina Hoorfar, Engineering)
  18. Going Digital during COVID-19 and beyond: Expanding the Reach of an Effective Diabetes Prevention Program through a National YMCA Platform to Enhance Accessibility (Mary Jung, Health and Exercise Sciences)
  19. Kootenay Boundary Virtual Health Use (Kathy Rush, Nursing)
  20. KT Methods Cluster-Consensus Methods Phase 2B: Project 2 (Nelly Oelke, Nursing; Heather Gainforth, Health and Exercise Sciences; Katrina Plamondon, Nursing)
  21. Magnetic levitation system for culture-independent virus isolation from biological and environmental samples (Sepideh Pakpour, Engineering)
  22. PCR lab-on-chip system for rapid and sensitive identification of SARS-CoV-2 infected case (Sepideh Pakpour and and Mina Hoorfar, Engineering)
  23. MCN Post-Doc Research; Better Serving People with Multiple, Complex Needs in BC through Health System Impact (Rachelle Hole, Social Work)
  24. Mobile Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) System for Ventilators (COVID-19) (Jian Liu, Engineering)
  25. Nav-CARE: Max Bell: Volunteer navigation partnerships: A compassionate community approach to care (Barbara Pesut)
  26. Optimal Use of Utility Infrastructure for Residential Communities: Lessons Learned from COVID-19 (Shahria Alam, Engineering)
  27. Parent Discharge Experiences – COVID-19 Related Protocol Changes: Discharge Experiences of Parents of Children Living with a Complex Medical Condition (Lise Olsen, Nursing)
  28. Response to COVID-19 in the Homelessness Sector and Impact on Service Providers and Users (John Graham, Social Work)
  29. Self-Disinfecting TiO2 Coating to Enable Antibacterial, Antiviral and Reusable Facemasks (COVID-19) (Jian Liu, Engineering)
  30. Smart and Low-Cost Face-Shields Capable of Protection, Prevention and Detection for Essential Workers Fighting COVID-19 Pandemic (Mohammad Zarifi, Engineering)
  31. Social & Economic Impact (SE-Impact) on Tenure Track Faculty: a Canadian Perspective on COVID-19 (Jennifer Davis, Management)
  32. Strategies to Relieve Suffering at End-of-Life (STRS-EOL) (Barbara Pesut, Nursing)
  33. The Outreach Project: COVID-19 Adaptation (Paul van Donkelaar, Health and Exercise Sciences)
  34. Venous Thrombosis Virtual Surveillance in COVID (VVIRTUOSO) (Donna Kurtz, Nursing)
  35. Volunteer navigation partnerships: A compassionate community approach to care (Barbara Pesut, Nursing)

UBC COVID-19 Research Website  Submit a Profile/Project